This policy explains what information we collect when you use Media Monster’s site, services, mobile applications, products and content. It also has information about how we store, use, transfer, and delete the information. Information We Collect & How We Use It Media Monster doesn’t use ads and so we don’t collect data in order to advertise to you. The tracking used is to help make the product work as best as possible. In order to give you the best possible experience using Media Monster, we collection information from your interaction with our features and/or our network. This information is collected based on your actions using features such as recording a video, editing a video, playing a song. We don’t collect specific information about your action other than if you have entered a certain screens or used a certain action. Third Party Services Media Monster uses third-party vendors such as Google Crashlytics to log any crashes so that we may fix them. We use this information to provide, test, improve, promote and personalize Media Monster’s services. When you create an account with Media Monster, you are authenticating with a third-party service (like Twitter, Facebook, or Google) we may collection, store, and periodically update information associated with that third-party account, such as your display name. We will never public through your third-party account without your permission. Media Monster won’t transfer information about to third party companies. We won’t sell information about you. Data Storage Media Monster uses third-party vendor hosting partners such as Google to store your videos when data recovery is enabled. By default data recovery is off. If you have enabled data recovery, this is the only time where your videos will be upload to a server that you can access, modify and delete content at any time. Data recovery only uploads your videos if your videos fail to save to your device. We will not share, sell or modify any of your videos. Questions We welcome feedback about this policy at